How To Clean Your House After Worms

If you are trying to find out how to clean your house after worms, it is probably because you have a pet who has just been treated for a worm infestation.

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It could also be because you or someone in your home has been or is being treated for threadworms.

Now, it is important to know that worms usually reside in the intestines of their hosts from where they do their feeding and breeding. As a result, you will find worms in the waste products of an infested pet or person.

That said, even if you or your pet have been treated for these things (or are undergoing treatment which should actually be your primary concern), there could be a resurgence if these worms are lurking around your house somewhere.

And this is the reason you have to embark on an aggressive cleaning spree. So, where to start….

Your Pet’s Personal Effects

While your pet has most likely not pooped in everything they own, they do sit around on their butts all day. So, you want to err on the side of caution by washing up and disinfecting their personal effects, paying particular attention to their bed and beddings.

Their bowls are actually also things to consider disinfecting seeing as they stay on the ground and these worms could have crept in.

Your Personal Effects

If it is just your pet who has had a worm infestation, you’ll need to disinfect everything they came in contact with while they were infested. This could include your bed covers, duvets and you might even want to do something about your couches.

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On the other hand, if it is you or another human that has been dealing with worms, you’ll have to be more detailed than that. All the clothes you wear during the period of your infestation and even treatment should be washed in hot water and disinfected.

Your bed covers and towels should also not be left out of this special treatment. And you’ll want to continue doing this for about a month after you’re done with the treatment.

Your Carpets And Floors

These worms have a talent of hiding and inside carpets is a pretty comfortable space for them to hide. So, you want to aggressively vacuum out your carpets and clean your floors.

Now, it might seem weird that we suggest that you take care of your floors, especially considering that you don’t exactly sit around naked on the floor. However, your pets do.

So, you’ll need to vacuum every day during this period and consider disinfecting every once in a while. Do this until you are sure that the whole house is in the clear. And we are looking at about 1 month.

If, however, you are not completely confident in your ability to get your house rid of the worms, you could seek help professional cleaning service providers.

Your Yard

Finally, it isn’t enough to get the inside clean, the outside should also be as free of worms as you can get it.

So first off, be sure that your yard is free of any animal faeces. Make sure to be wearing protective gear, especially rubber gloves.

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When that is done, if you have a lawn, some lawn disinfectant will come in very handy. And after you’ve allowed it soak in for a while, rinse it out with some water.

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Hopefully, doing all these diligently will permanently rid your home of those pesky things.

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