How To Clean A Dyson Vacuum [Detailed Guide]

As you use your vacuum cleaner over time, dirt can accumulate in the filter and clog the pipes. So here we will show you how to clean your Dyson vacuum cleaner properly . . .

How To Clean Dyson Vacuum Filter

Follow these quick and easy steps to clean your Dyson vacuum filter . . .

Step 1. Take the filter out of the vacuum cleaner.

Step 2. Remove loose dust that may be in the filter.

Step 3. Wash the filter with cold water but don’t use detergent on it.

Step 4. Fill the filter with warm water and then shake it well.

Step 5. Leave the filter out in the open and let it dry completely before putting it back in the vacuum cleaner.

Step 6. Put the filter back in the vacuum cleaner.

How To Clean Dyson Vacuum Head

To clean your Dyson vacuum head, follow these steps . . .

Step 1. Unplug your vacuum cleaner from the power outlet.

Step 2. Press the switch between the vacuum head and vacuum stick to remove the vacuum head.

Step 3. Pull out the brush bars from the vacuum head.

Step 4. Take out any dirt that might be in the brush bars.

How To Clean Dyson Vacuum Hose

To clean your Dyson vacuum hose follow these quick and easy steps . . .

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Step 1. Put your vacuum cleaner off.

Step 2. Check the vacuum hose for anything that may be stuck in it.

Step 3. Find something you can use to bring out anything that may be stuck in the vacuum hose.

Step 4. Put a damp piece of cloth on a stick and put it in the hose to clean it.

How To Clean A Dyson Vacuum

To clean your Dyson vacuum cleaner, follow these simple steps . . .

Step 1. Put your vacuum cleaner off and unplug it from the power outlet.

Step 2. Take out the vacuum bin by pressing the small switch next to it.

Step 3. Empty the vacuum bin and clean it.

Step 4. Take out the filters, wash them, and leave them out to dry for some hours.

Step 5. Take out the brush bars from the vacuum head.

Step 6. Take out anything that might be in the brush bars.

Step 7. Finally, use a slightly damp cloth to clean the external part of the vacuum cleaner.

How To Clean Dyson Animal Vacuum Stick

You can clean your Dyson animal vacuum stick simply by getting a towel and wiping the dust off it when it is dirty.

How To Clean A Dyson Vacuum Canister

Follow these quick and easy steps to clean your Dyson vacuum canister . . .

Step 1. The first thing you will have to do is to unplug your vacuum cleaner from the power outlet to prevent an electrical shock and if you just used your vacuum cleaner you will have to leave it for a while to cool before you try cleaning the vacuum canister.

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Step 2. Find the red switch that is next to the canister and push it to release the bin.
Note: The bin release button might be in a different place with a different vacuum cleaner. Just check around the base of the vacuum cleaner to find the bin release button.

Step 3. Open the vacuum canister and shake it over a dustbin to get rid of any dust that may still be in the vacuum canister.

Step 4. Use a damp cloth to wipe the inside of the vacuum canister but make sure you don’t use detergent in it because the detergent can make the inside of the vacuum bin sticky thus, attracting more dust.

Step 5. Put the canister back in the vacuum cleaner.

How To Clean Dyson Vacuum Brush Head

To clean your Dyson vacuum brush head, simply wash it under cold water without detergent and leave it to dry for twenty four hours before putting it back in the vacuum cleaner.

How To Clean Dyson V6 Animal Extra

To clean your Dyson v6 Animal vacuum cleaner, follow the same steps that you will use to clean a normal Dyson vacuum cleaner only instead of using cold water to wash the parts, use lukewarm water to clean the internal parts and let them dry.

How To Clean A Smelly Dyson Vacuum

When your Dyson vacuum starts to smell and you want to clean it, you will have to make sure that the soap you want to use on it won’t make the vacuum parts go bad or get stained. When you are sure that the soap you are using is good for the vacuum, you can wash the vacuum parts the normal way; juse use soap and warm water to get rid of the bad smell.

How To Clean A Dyson Vacuum Floor Attachment

Cleaning a vacuum floor attachment is simple. All you have to do is to get a damp piece of cloth to wipe off any dirt or dust that may be in the floor attachment.

How To Clean Carpet With Dyson Vacuum

Follow these simple steps to vacuum a carpet properly with a Dyson vacuum . . .

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Step 1. Don’t vacuum quickly. This will give the vacuum more time to suck up all the dust.

Step 2. Go over the section of carpet you have already vacuumed about three times to make sure the machine sucks up all the dust.

Step 3. Finally, also clean the places that you don’t normally look at like under sofas and furniture.

how to to clean carpet

How To Clean Your Dyson Vacuum Cyclone Component

To clean your Dyson vacuum cyclone component, simply spray water through the opening to get rid of dust and then leave the cyclone component to dry until there is no water left in it.

How Often To Clean Dyson Filters

You should clean your Dyson vacuum filters once every three months to make sure your cleaning is effective.

Dyson Vacuum Airways Blocked — How To Fix

When your Dyson vacuum airways are blocked, the machine will send a message to alert you. To solve the problem you will have to find the cause of the blockage and clean the airways out.

How To Clean A Dyson Airway

If your Dyson vacuum sends you a message telling you that the airways are blocked, you will have to clean them out immediately. Here’s how to clean your Dyson vacuum airways . . .

Step 1. Empty the vacuum bin and shake it gently when it is completely empty.

Step 2. Check if the air intake is blocked.

Step 3. If the air intake is blocked, put your fingers inside and take out the lint that may have caused the blockage.

Step 4. The blockage can also be behind the vacuum bin. Open the bin and check for blockage.

Step 5. Also make sure you check the vacuum rod and floor head for dust because dirt can easily form in the floor head.

Step 6. When you are sure that you have removed all the blockage you can reassemble the vacuum cleaner.

Step 7. You can start using your vacuum cleaner now.

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