How to Get Dog Diarrhea Smell Out of Carpet: Your Ultimate Guide

Knowing how to get dog diarrhea smell out of carpet is crucial for any pet owner. Whether it’s a one-time accident or a recurring issue, this guide will help you address the problem methodically and effectively.

how to get dog diarrhea smell out of carpet

Step 1: Gather Materials

Before you can get the dog diarrhea smell out of carpet, it’s essential to gather all the materials you will need:

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Step 2: Initial Cleanup

Wear your rubber gloves and use paper towels or disposable rags to carefully remove as much of the dog diarrhea as possible. Place the waste into a plastic bag.

Step 3: Deep Clean

After the initial cleanup, it’s time to deep clean the carpet to get the dog diarrhea smell out. Apply a carpet cleaner formulated for pet odors, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Wait for the cleaner to settle, then blot it up with a clean cloth.

Step 4: Disinfect

After deep cleaning, disinfect the area with a solution of white vinegar and water (1:1 ratio). Spray the solution on the affected area and allow it to sit for 10 minutes before blotting it dry.

Step 5: Final Touches

To ensure that you’ve fully eliminated the dog diarrhea smell, sprinkle baking soda on the treated area and let it sit overnight. The next day, vacuum up the baking soda.

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How to Get Dog Diarrhea Smell Out of Carpet: Conclusion

Getting the dog diarrhea smell out of carpet is not a pleasant task, but with the right tools and approach, it’s completely doable. Follow this guide and you’ll have a fresh and clean carpet in no time.

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